7 Tips to Cleaning Sneakers : The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide
As a sneaker enthusiast, it’s essential to Cleaning Sneakers everyday, even after multiple wears. Not only do cleaning sneakers look better, but they also last longer. So, let’s dive into Cleaning sneaker tips that will make your collection stay fresh and clean.
Prerequisites :
Equipment : | Materials |
– 1 soft toothbrush and brush | – Dishwashing liquid |
– Microfiber cloths | – Distilled white vinegar |
Duration : 10-15 Minutes | – Baking soda |
– Glass Cleaner |
Tips to Cleaning Sneakers :

1. Clean Up Extra Dirt :
Whenever necessary, take off the laces. To get rid of any surface dust or grime that has come loose, wipe the shoe down with a dry microfiber cloth. This is the first and essential part of Cleaning sneakers.
2. Know Your Materials :
Knowing the various materials your sneakers are composed of will help you to properly clean them. Some fabrics, like leather or suede, demand specialized cleaning methods and upkeep. For instance, suede-accented shoes should be cleaned with a suede cleaner to get rid of stains and grime after usage.
3. Create a cleaning agent :
Two cups of warm water and one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid should be combined. As you incorporate, stir thoroughly.
4. Scrub Shoes :
Brush the shoe lightly with a soft-bristled toothbrush after dipping it in the soapy solution. Avoid wetting the shoe’s surface excessively. Work with the grain of the fabric and clean the entire upper part of the shoe to keep the color consistent and prevent spotting.
5. Use Toothbrushes :
Using a toothbrush can make all the difference when removing those stubborn stains that won’t come out easy. Gently scrub the stain with the brush after dipping it in a tiny amount of cleanser until the stain fades or vanishes. Use an old toothbrush or a brush with stronger bristles for harder stains. Sometimes Cleaning sneakers with an old toothbrush can be a very helpful and cost effective tip.
6. Dry Them Properly :
It’s crucial to properly dry your sneakers after cleaning them to protect the materials. Always let your sneakers air dry instead of exposing them to heat or sunshine, which can cause the materials to bend or fade the colors. After cleaning sneakers, stuff it with white cotton or paper towels to help them keep their form and absorb moisture.
7. Protect Them :
After cleaning sneakers, it’s critical to keep them safe from further harm. Utilizing a spray that repels both water and stains is among the greatest approaches to achieve this. Your sneakers will have a protective shield surrounding them as a result, stopping stains and dirt from penetrating the fabric.
Cleaning different sneaker parts :

Step 1: Clean the outsoles :
Your sneakers’ outsoles, or bottoms, will become dirty more quickly than practically any other area of the footwear. Why? since they have the closest contact with the outside world.
Take a brush to the soles of your sneakers once a week. After you’ve removed the dirt, liberally spray the area with the warm water and detergent solution. Once done Cleaning sneakers wipe everything down with a fresh cloth.
Step 2: Clean the midsoles :
It is crucial to constantly clean this area of the sneakers because it is highly visible and is supposed to be brilliant white. The fading of the midsoles alone is enough to damage the appearance of your shoes, even if the rest of them are clean.
For an effective remedy to enhance the color of your rubber soles and remove dirt build-up at the edges, try using a Magic Eraser while cleaning sneakers.
Step 3: Clean the tongues :
Never omit cleaning the tongues during maintenance since it significantly improves your shoes’ overall appearance. Simply use the fabric-specific techniques we covered for the tongues, taking into account the material’s composition: Canvas tongues receive soap while suede tongues receive a brush.
Step 4: Clean the interiors :
Eliminating offensive scents from the interiors is just as crucial as cleaning the exteriors. If at all possible, take the insoles out and wash them in either a solution of water and detergent or water and white vinegar. For basic cleaning, vinegar helps with scents, but detergent or shoe cleaner works better.
Make sure to let them air dry for a few hours after thoroughly cleaning the interiors with your sponge or towel before putting your sneakers back on.
Step 5: And finally, don’t neglect the laces :
Simply remove the laces off your shoes and wash them with your usual laundry to clean them. After that, they’ll be in like-new condition.
How to keep your sneakers clean Everyday :

Now that you know how to clean your sneakers, let’s wrap up this guide with a few tricks on how to keep them clean.
Step 1:
Every time you get home, thoroughly inspect your shoes. You’ll be able to maintain the clean vibes if you check on your shoes before putting them away, even though it may seem like a hassle. You can also use a Sneaker Cleaning Kit. You can check out which Sneaker Cleaning Kit is Best for you Check here.
Step 2 :
Instantly remove spots. It’s best to clean off dirt, grit, and debris as soon as they come into touch with your sneakers. Try to remove stains as soon as possible, even if all you use is some soap and water.
Step 3 :
Finally, where necessary, use protective coatings. These kind of sprays and rubs are not necessary for all sneaker materials, but leather and suede will undoubtedly benefit from them.
How do I get rid of odors in sneakers?

Another Cleaning Tip is to get rid of odors from smelly sneakers which is to sprinkle some baking soda inside and let sit for an entire night. The next day, simply shake off any extra baking soda before applying them. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and cleaner with a somewhat alkaline pH.
In conclusion, maintaining the cleanliness of your sneakers may need some more effort on your part, but it will be well worth in the end. You can keep your sneakers looking new for many years by using the right cleaning supplies and caring for them properly. You’ll soon be able to proudly display your spotless kicks if you use this sneaker cleaning advice.